The sun hears the fields talking about effort
and the sun smiles,
and whispers to me, "Why don't the fields just rest, for
I am willing to do
to help them grow?"
Rest, my dears, in prayer.
- St. Catherine of Siena
The sun hears the fields talking about effort
and the sun smiles,
and whispers to me, "Why don't the fields just rest, for
I am willing to do
to help them grow?"
Rest, my dears, in prayer.
- St. Catherine of Siena
One of the great teachings in spiritual life is this: It doesn’t matter what is happening. What matters is how we respond. How we...
Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean — the one who has flung...
When God said, "My hands are yours," I saw that I could heal any creature in this world; I saw that the divine beauty in each heart is...